May 18, 2014

As you can tell, we made a quick trip to the mountains, it was supposed to be cycling, hiking, eating, but I missed the weather and it was COLD, we didn't have enough sleeping bag and I didn't bring warm enough cycling gear. We did a short ride on the Linn Cove Viaduct and spent the rest of the time enjoying the company of The Clarks, eating around the fire and hiking. Above is a "water fall" at the Rough Ridge Overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway. It's not listed in my waterfall book, so it must be a slide?

fire azalea

 Cascades Waterfall at E.B. Jeffress Park BRP milepost 272 - worth the easy hike!

A pink Lady Slipper, I think a pretty rare flower.

Pink Lady's Slipper is an interesting wildflower in the Orchid Family. They are endangered in some areas because they take a long time to grow, and because people collect them.
This plant has only two leaves. They are green and branch out from the center of the plant. A single flower stalk also grows from the center.
The deep pink flower, which many people say looks like a slipper, grows about three inches long. Unlike most flowers you see, this flower is closed tightly except for a small opening in the front.
Pink Lady's Slippers grow in shady forests under pine trees, oaks, Red Maple, and Sweetgum. Some other plants that grow alongside them include Greenbrier and Sassafras.

The travelers!

Just for Deb, a rear view mirror photo.

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