Oct. 30, 2006

Shameless plug. Go to ( http://www.democratandchronicle.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061030/MULTIMEDIA/61030003 ) to see the multi-media show of this. Not my greatest show, but I am happy since it was only 35 mins long and had a 3 year old crying the whole time! This is my immediate future, next video and then the food service industry?

Oct. 29, 2006

Got to work on the Criuser a little today. Adjusted all 4 drum brakes, Fixed (I hope) the Power Steering whine, and finished tearing apart the old axles and springs. Ok this picture has nothing to do with it, but it is two filters!

Oct. 28, 2006

Sam slides into a bed of corn... we went punpkin picking today!

Oct. 27, 2006

Why does it seem like the good action is always going away from me?

Oct. 26, 2006

Steph had XC regionals today.

Oct. 22, 2006

Six years of shooting the Bills, and I finally get a Jills assignment, this is a local 9th grade math teacher cheering for the Bills.

Oct. 21, 2006

11:30pm and no POD. Worked on the Cruiser today, really only the "new" frame. Removed it from the springs and put a tarpover the axles. It doesn't sound like much, but it took several hours.

Oct. 20, 2006


Oct. 19, 2006

A detail from a G scale model train set... Why am I attracted to the rusting cars?

Oct. 15, 2006

A devil girl at ghost stories. More the devil when her parents refused to give me her name for the paper.

Oct. 14, 2006

Sam helps me rake ; )

Oct. 13, 2006

The madness. This is the new (to me) frame for my Land Cruiser that I will begin to restore my truck on. In back is a junked Prelude that I wanted parts for Steph's car (and the seats for the Cruiser) Wonder how long till the town send s me a letter about unregistered cars?

First snowball fight of the season. For my family, yes we got some of Buffalo's snow (1/4 inch)

Oct. 12, 2006

A Veterans Day story, but what a tough way to hear the news.

Oct. 11, 2006

A Chinese official addresses a business lunch... funny no one wanted to sit at the head table....

Oct. 9, 2006

6:40am and driving to work. I hate the 7am shift!

Oct. 8, 2006

What a great day. Even the cats just sat in the sun. PS My softball team won the championship in 2 games tonight!

Oct. 7, 2006

This an old fire truck Steph and I found for sale while shooting photos for her school assignment. Good question. Who buys old fire trucks? This is not a pumper but a ladder truck, I guess it makes cleaning the gutters easier.

Oct. 4, 2006

I know better than to bitch but.... this is a simple portrait, however the guy wants his sign in the background and wants me to tell him where to put it. Really anywhere is fine.....

Oct. 3, 2006

A nice ride.